Monday, April 11, 2011

Tin Man

He tries his best
To fix the wiring
But that dear robot's been dead
For what feels like decades
It's automatic eyes, though
Still look so alive
Condensation in the cold room
Tears on metallic skin
Bleeding oil stains and battery acid

Face your fears
Turn the lights out
I want to know if you can live without
This scaffolding has held you high
But bones will always break
Under the weight of a lie

He wipes his hands
Like polishing scars
The blisters of a life spent
Working to build a home of only stairs
The kerosene on his breath
The gears that turn with each step
And before they find him
He will walk again he swears

Face your fears
Turn the lights out
I want to know if you can live without
Security is your tax dollars at work
What can it hurt
What can it hurt

What if all the lights were cameras
What if the ATMs knew more than just our names and numbers
What if the internet was just biding its time
What if your life could mean something more than this...

He turns the key
The fire fills the night
He's not alone
But sometimes he feels it too
You start to move
Your iron heart is beating
You are the end
But still nobody's told you

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome....I really liked the third stanza. Overall it is very eerie but in a fantastically thought-provoking way.


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Songwriter, Poet, Heretic