Monday, December 12, 2016

Sewing Wings

She is not a lottery
You can not win her
She is not a game show 
You can not spin her
She is not a fish to catch
There isn't a strong enough net
She's just like anyone else
Who's not like anyone you've ever met

She's not waiting 
In a tower for you
With a bleeding scalp
And wringing hands
She's not writing
Your name next to hers 
She won't know you 
She won't understand

She's not a picture
Time holds her closer than you
She's not a whisper
All your shouting can't undo
She's not a day dream
Or your sweaty fantasy collage
She won't be there in your kitchen 
when you come in 
from the garage

She's not praying
For you before she falls asleep
Breathless, heart pounding
For you to make her knees feel weak
She's not 'round the corner
Or across the aisle when you're on the train
If she's anywhere 
It's where she was going anyway

You're just seeing things
You're just sewing wings
On a flightless bird
Don't count the coins
In wishing wells
While you're hearing things
You never heard 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Jerry w/ the Red Cup

Staring into space
Over the top of the paper
Like an old vet in a cafe 
Waiting for a key word
So he can speak his two cents
For the first time 
To anyone besides the mirror 
Or the steering wheel 
Or the voice mail 
Of a long lost step kid
‘Cause I’m no expert 
But I mask loneliness
And the fear of eternal darkness
And the best of my life 
Might be behind with
With a quick quip I picked up 
From a pundit
Who’s angry for the ratings
But my angry rantings
Won’t bring my friends back
And this generation 
Is to blame
For not remembering
What I can’t forget
While I forget 
But the hate
That keeps my heart
Beating hard against the walls
Of reason

And cholesterol

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Knock Knock Box

Strip in the rain soaked cardboard
Tape gone slick
Greening spaces
Air pocket
Mud cement
Carnivorous wheels
Pothole destinations
But you're a real person now
You're a real person now
Still holding packing peanuts
In a dry warehouse
I'll sit alley steps
Remember you could be like me
But you're a real person now
You're a real person now
And you stack so fit
You ship next day
Brown corners sharp
Your mind could cut the air
Slip off the ends
Left for stoops

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Songwriter, Poet, Heretic