Wednesday, April 20, 2011


we fell in love
with the universe
the moment we were born
yet, of course,
we constantly question intentions
and, no doubt,
by now we've figured out
that being broken hearted
isn't so much a state of being
as it is what it means to be a being
that dissatisfaction
and loneliness
that feeling of abstract
and discontentment
are all just
the blood
strolling through our plaqued-up veins
and uninhibited arteries
that every blink and inhale
matters just as much
if not more
than every eye-opening exhale
because stuff matters
and you know what I mean
one day you just wake up or something
from a nap
'cause you stayed up all night
and it swings around the corner
and pelts you in the face
stuff matters
not everything
but some things
and it's okay
it is so so okay
for that to hurt

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Songwriter, Poet, Heretic