Friday, February 24, 2017

Happy Pills

Well aren't we idealistic
Wearing purpose like a suit and tie
Inside the church of life
And bending our arthritic knees at the altar of a god with good P.R.

Well aren't we so optimistic
Tying up shoelaces
In knots of well-wishes
Yet feeling solipsistic when we sit in traffic in our anxiety-driven car

Well aren't we just so stable
At fault for all of our mistakes
Yet I bet all the credit takes
Itself off the table between our folded hands and well-stocked shelves

Well aren't we just so changing
Given to weathering weather
Only when we're together
So we'll be rearranging furniture so we won't sit too close to ourselves

Now I'd like to remind myself
That human is more than a setting on the microwave
Waiting for the sound of the pop
I can't stop thinking of all the time and souls I've saved

I'm not addicted
I'm not addicted
I'm not addicted
Haven't I always looked so glad
Don't contradict it
Don't contradict it
Don't contradict it
Those who are different must be so sad

Friday, February 3, 2017

How to Do a Spot-On Me Impression 100% Success Guaranteed [Expert Gold VIP Edition]

Run so far, turn around, and be surprised at any distance
Chase a dream, turned nightmare in closing in
Step aside into a line to be stepped on
Love with bad timing
Sleep in the ashes of old bridges
Learn to absorb sugar, drugs, vitamins, and bread 
Tire from moving
Tire of standing still
Tire of driving
Tire of staying back
Tire of running ahead
Miss them like pie slices cut from your skull
Miss every opportunity and instead, eat pie
Post poems no one reads
More sure everyday that no one would miss you
So sure anyway they'd miss themselves you hold
Pick fights with the weather

Thursday, February 2, 2017

So Much (Lyrics)

There’s so much to say
And not enough breath
Or time in the day
Or life before death
But thoughts in the way
Of those I’ve too many
And why you should stay
I’ve reasons a-plenty
But no damn good words
Every sentiment sounds wrong
And from what I’ve heard
You’re already long gone
I’m just another bird
With just another song
And the empty spot beside me of the limb I’m out on

There’s so much about you
That I miss without you here
Don’t you dare doubt that I’ll always hold you dear to me
I wish you were near to me now

There’s so much to you
And not much of me
That’s solid or stable
Enough to be free
From old expectations
From when I was younger
Habitual hesitations
I’m under
With no damn good life
Like the one we once dreamed of
And I’ve come to find
You’ve gone elsewhere to find love
I’m just another line
In just another verse
You’ve long left behind while I’m stuck in reverse

There’s so much about you
That I miss without you here
Don’t you dare doubt that I’ll always hold you dear to me
I wish you were near to me now

There’s so much to learn
And living to do
More than I knew
When I was all about you
So much to live for
And so much to try
And so much for the past
That I’m leaving behind
And such wider skies
And such greater songs
And so much ahead
So much moving on
With just another day
And just another wish
And I hope that you’ve found your own meaning in this

There’s so much about you
That I miss without you here
Don’t you dare doubt that I’ll always hold you dear to me
I wish you were near to me now

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Last Gasp

In the days after the world died, the ones standing graveside
Placed bets to guess the cause of death
Why some nation was raised higher than its people
And some people were raised higher than the rest
They kept to their own sides, divided so many times
Soon there were only lines and no people left
And their nations soon faded like the flags they'd paraded
Some slur-ridden slogan on their last gasp of breath

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Songwriter, Poet, Heretic