Sunday, January 17, 2010

City of Presidents

Leaves on the sea as the clouds float by
Seagulls fly from trees and I take a short drive
Risking my life by these granite hillsides

Dunkin Donuts on the corner, every corner, know what I mean
Jaywalkin’ across Hancock even though cars got a green
Through the no-trespassing parking lot on my way to the T

And then when I’m headed back, I make sure to stop by Willow Street
They put a fence ‘round that house so I just stare down at my feet
‘Cause when I was just a kid, on that porch is where I used to sit and eat

Sidewalks crooked and cracked and great for riding your bike
Gettin’ wicked crazy air, wind through my hair, what a sight
Used to basically live on the campus across the street to my right (facing north or something a’ight)

I was a weird kid, and I guess I still can be
Still trying to decide if this is a beginning or an ending
Full circle, my story always takes me back to Quincy

Memories like flag Day or Fourth of july parades by the park
Or the Fireworks at beechwood knoll that filled my eyes up with stars
Or smokers I would pass masquerading as performers outside the bars

I remember singing in the kids choir at Wolly Church
Except for that one time i Disagreed with the theology of the verse
And my first line in a play, Retreat!, was yelled but never really rehearsed

Summertime filled with wandering up and down the block
Or wintertime b-ball, having fun, though I knew I would never rock
Trick-or-treating, run out the door, “coat over costume or we’ll make you stop”

Sprint after the ice-cream truck that whines out “Green Sleeves”
Walk by Sailor’s Home Pond on the way to the beach, we’d
Go deep in the marsh till we lost the city scene

And I still dream of the same road and the same path to take
To run away from a place that never held too much heartache
So sometimes I call it my new old home just to alleviate the heartbreak

‘Cause now I’m making choices to keep going the same old way
Twists and turns have brought me to a not unexpected day
When home would be a question or a far off place to stay

But the future tends to look brighter when it’s on the edge of a moment
Too busy living life to ever realize that you can’t hold it
Back, but simply take a second and just own it.

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Songwriter, Poet, Heretic