Tuesday, August 16, 2011


it hurt too much to feel
your embrace was a curse in my state of inertia
headed for a darker end
my best friend was the promises i'd broken to myself
so how was i to notice
the good that could've been
which sounds now in silence
like i'm making some violent excuse
for me for you for her for him for it for this for that
going back, of course, would not be right
and though i don't intend to demonize
our eyes both clear with lines of burning tears
aimed like arrows at the heart of the other
but i don't need another
though to say i didn't want you
would be as far from true
as you are from me now
if not farther
if not darker, then at least, i'll say
my world is a different hue
an altogether separate shade
i realize i'm desensitized
i found out the other night
and i apologize for how much i stole from you
in an effort to play some kind of role for you
i see that ultimately in my obsession
the problem was possession
but i promise i will fight to never be so possessed again
because it's not moving on, but moving over
you're not replaced with some other soul-less face
you were my best friend
i just don't know what that means
you were my true love
i just mistook love for certainty

...alone isn't the worst place to be
it's more like a road than a destination, actually
and i think i'd like to start new too
not for you, not from you, not with you, not of you
thanks to you for the good times
i'm sorry for the bad
we're both to blame
i'm glad you've found a peace
i hope you see you're more than your collection of broken hearts
...alone isn't the worst place to be

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Songwriter, Poet, Heretic